Even if they aren't ready to do all of the equipment, they love to run and to spend quality, active time with you!
2. Dog Agility is great exercise!
For the both of you, agility is a great way to get out and get moving!
3. Dog Agility will challenge you and your dog
The challenge to get around the course as quickly and accurately as possible is a fun puzzle for you and your dog to solve.
4. Dog Agility is entertaining
Not only is it fun to do but it is fun to watch your friends. An agility class costs less than dinner and drinks at a nice restaurant and it lasts a lot longer too.

Training for agility means training basic behaviors to be fast and reliable. It's also training your dog to value you above other distractions so you can play together. How cool is that?
6) Dog Agility is for fun and/or for competition
You can compete against the clock, compete against your personal best or compete against other agility teams or not at all if that suits you. Anyway you slice it, everyone wins just by playing!
7) Any dog can play Agility
All sizes, shapes and breeds can play agility. Jump heights are adjusted according to the height of the dogs.
8) Your bond will grow stronger by training your dog agility
The quality time you spend training your dog will help your understanding and trust grow stronger!

There are many fun games to play to train agility. Rewarding your dog with movement and games is one of the best ways to make yourself more attractive to your dog. As we say in our classes, "Be the cookie!" and reward your dog with play, games and fun!
10) Agility helps you become more important to your dog
Training agility with reinforcing play builds your dogs value of you. If you are more important to your dog, your recalls will be more reliable and your dog will be less distracted and more focused on you.
So we hope you will consider trying out an agility class. If you'd like to know more about setting your dog up for some fun, come pay us a visit us at www.livingwithdogs.us.
See you on the field!